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The Winter 2024 Seasonal Outlook gives an insight of the expected evolution of the climate during the winter months in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The content of this outlook is meant to be used as...

Climate Info and Data

The Mauritius Meteorological Services possesses over 50 years of climate data for a good number of stations fairly well distributed spatially over the Republic. Some rainfall stations have records of over 100 years


Type of data:

The following types of weather/climate data are available at the Mauritius Meteorological Services:


Sea surface temperature and sea level data

Sea surface temperature in high seas around Mauritius are monitored from ship observations. Monthly and yearly data have been compiled from 1971 to date.
Sea level data exist as from 1987 to date from a tide gauge installed at Trou Fanfaron, Port Louis.



The following descriptive statistics are available: means, normals, extremes, standard deviations etc. Daily and monthly values of most of the elements mentioned above exist in electronic format. Otherwise, hard copies are available as well.


Climate maps

Climate maps, showing isolines prepared with data collected over a long period of timeare available for the following elements: rainfall, temperature, sunshine and radiation. Wind isotach and wind rose have also been computed.


Outer Island stations data

Synoptic stations have also been established at Rodrigues, St Brandon and Agalega since the late fifties. The same type of data is available from these sites for a period of over 50 years.

How to have access to climate data and information

Requests for climate data can be sent through fax (686 1033), email: or by writing to

The Director

Mauritius Meteorological Services

St Paul Road




Note: A charge is applicable for the extraction, preparation and verification of data. Payments are made by crossed cheque in favour of “Government of Mauritius”.