Forecast Bulletin - Mauritius
Weather news for Mauritius issued at 11h30 on Monday 24 March 2025.
General situation:
A light wind is blowing over our region.
Forecast for the next 24 hours:
There will be cloud developments to the west and part of the central plateau in the afternoon with localised showers.
Mainly fair elsewhere.
The maximum temperature will be between 26 and 29 degrees Celsius over the central plateau and between 31 and 34 degrees Celsius over the coastal regions.
Mainly fair tonight and tomorrow morning.
The minimum temperature will vary between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius over the high grounds and between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius along the coasts.
Wind from the North East at about 15 km/h, becoming variable tonight.
Sea moderate beyond the reefs with southerly swells of 2 metres.
High tides: 23h34 and tomorrow 10h47.
Low tides: 16h45 and tomorrow 05h36.
Sunset: 18h17.
Sunrise (Tomorrow): 06h15.